Timothy Justus
- Professor of Psychology and Cognitive Science
- Psychology Field Group
- Cognitive Science Field Group
- Timothy_Justus@kllkj.net
- Phone
- (909) 607-9198
- Office Location
Fletcher 226
- Office Hours
- Contact Professor
With Pitzer Since: 2012
PhD, University of California, Berkeley
The cognition of language, music, and the arts; philosophy of cognitive science
Introduction to Cognitive Science (COGS011)
Seminar on Cognition and the Arts (COGS182)
The Aesthetic Mind (first-year seminar)
The Literate Mind (first-year seminar)
The Musical Mind (first-year seminar)
Brain and Behavior (PSYC101)
Music Cognition (PSYC126)
Language and Cognition (PSYC127)
Cognitive Film Studies (PSYC128)
Seminar in Psychology of Art (PSYC182)
Cognition and the Arts: From Naturalized Aesthetics to the Cognitive Humanities. Cambridge University Press (forthcoming 2025).
“Constructing film emotions: The theory of constructed emotion as a biocultural framework for cognitive film theory,” Projections, 16 (2022).
“Toward a naturalized aesthetics of film music: An interdisciplinary exploration of intramusical and extramusical meaning,” Projections, 13 (2019).
“Remembering melodies from another culture: Turkish and American listeners demonstrate implicit knowledge of musical scales,” Analytical Approaches to World Music, 7 (2019). With C. M. Yates, N. B. Atalay, N. Mert, and M. E. Curtis.
“Form and meaning in music: Revisiting the affective character of the major and minor modes,” Auditory Perception & Cognition, 1 (2018). With L. Gabriel and A. Pfaff.
“Effects of musical training and culture on meter perception,” Psychology of Music, 45 (2017). With C. M. Yates, N. B. Atalay, N. Mert, and S. E. Trehub.
“The musical mind: From mental representation to embodied and extended cognition,” seminar presented at the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study, Uppsala, Sweden, June 2021.